Coping with Hives: Expert Advice and Solutions

Are you experiencing sudden red, raised, itchy, tiny welts or bumps in different parts of your body? You probably might have eaten or touched something, that has caused you an allergic reaction. These bumps may sometimes be irritating causing a burning or stinging sensation. Or you may experience a slow onset of these itchy rashes or bumps. These could be “hives, or urticaria”. Whatever the reason may be, hives can be very uncomfortable, negatively impacting your sleep and quality of life. Seek prompt evaluation and treatment by our expert allergists at the Asthma and Allergies Center in Lanham, MD

What are hives?

Hives, or urticaria, are a type of skin condition that is characterized by red, raised welts (bumps) on the skin. They are often a type of swelling on the surface of the skin as a result of an allergic reaction. Hives appear as small as a fingertip or as big as a dinner plate. Sometimes the bumps may join together to form larger areas called plaques. 

What causes hives?

Causes include the following: 

  • Allergic reactions to something that you eat like foods, drinks, medications, or something you touch.
  • Foods that cause hives include:
    • Nuts, eggs, seafood
    • Kiwi banana, or mango
  • Medications that cause hives
    • Certain antibiotics
    • NSAIDS (Non-steroidal Anti-inflammatory Drugs) like aspirin 
    • Antihypertensives
  • Infections 
  • Strep throat
  • Urinary tract infections.
  • Hepatitis
  • Colds
  • Autoimmune Conditions like lupus, diabetes, celiac disease 
  • Hypothyroidism
  • Intestinal parasites 

What are the symptoms of hives?

You may show different signs and symptoms of hives depending on the type of condition. These include:

  • Raised welts (bumps) may appear on your skin that may look reddish on lighter-colored skin.
  • When you apply pressure the hives may blanch (the center becomes pale).
  • Your skin may be itchy
  • Swelling may occur under your skin causing puffiness (angioedema)
  • You may also experience painful swelling of your lips, eyes, and inside your throat.

How are hives treated?

The best approach to the treatment of hives depends on the cause and type of the condition. 

 Options include:

  • Antihistamines in the form of topical creams or oral pills.
  • Antiseptic creams to reduce inflammation
  • Steroids to reduce swelling 
  • Home Remedies
    • Using a cool compress to ease itchiness
    • Use a soothing lotion or cream to get relief from the burning sensation
    • Wearing loose, light, cotton clothing 
    • Avoid scratching
    • Choosing appropriate soaps, and detergents for sensitive skin

If you notice any allergens triggering an allergic reaction causing hives, then it is better to avoid them. If hives are affecting your quality of life then consult an allergist for further evaluation and treatment.

Zetta Gottlieb